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Will Elon Musk lose half of his fortune because of Twitter?

In the past few months, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has been in the news for his controversial tweets. Many people have questioned whether or not these tweets have had a negative impact on his wealth. So, did Elon Musk lose half of his fortune because of Twitter?

The answer is: no. In fact, despite all of the controversy surrounding him and some stock price fluctuations due to market volatility, it appears that he has actually gained more money since tweeting about taking Tesla private earlier this year. According to Forbes’ real-time billionaire tracker, as of October 5th, 2018 (the latest available data), Mr. Musk was worth $22 billion – an increase from $19 billion at the start of August when he tweeted about taking Tesla private at $420 per share.

It's true that some investors may be wary after seeing how quickly things can change with one tweet from Mr. Musk but overall there haven't been any significant losses attributed directly to these social media posts. Additionally, many experts believe that by using Twitter as a platform for communication between himself and shareholders, Mr. Musks' transparency could help create trust among both existing and potential investors - ultimately leading to higher stock prices over time.

So while it's clear that there are risks associated with making public statements via social media platforms like Twitter, it doesn't appear they've caused any major financial losses for Elon musk personally just yet!
