Donald Trump is a prime example of someone who has devoted his life to building wealth and seeing the fruits of his labor. After graduating from Wharton School, he began working in real estate development with his father’s company. He quickly made a name for himself as one of the most successful developers in New York City and beyond.
Trump went on to become involved in several business ventures, including casinos, golf courses, hotels, and resorts around the world – all adding significantly to his net worth over time. His investments have been diverse enough that he has managed to weather economic downturns without suffering too much damage financially speaking.
In addition to amassing considerable wealth through these various endeavors, Donald Trump also became famous for being an outspoken celebrity businessman who wasn't afraid of controversy or making bold statements about politics or current events during interviews or speeches throughout the years - something which further increased both public interest and media coverage surrounding him even more so than before!
As such it's no surprise then that today Donald Trump is seen as one of America's wealthiest individuals with an estimated net worth exceeding $3 billion dollars according to US Magazine Forbes list rankings (as reported by April 2020). This makes him not only among some but perhaps THE richest president ever elected into office since taking up residence at the White House back in 2017 - a testament indeed to how far dedication towards achieving financial success can take you when combined together hard work & determination!
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